About Little Bear Farm
In the winter, the hill makes for great sledding and snow boarding, and snow play. Feel Free to indulge whether you are 5 or 50.
Summer nights offer fireflies. If your children have never experienced fireflies, get ready for some fun.
There is a creek across the road. It is accessible by walking across the road and down the drive. Understand that the property is owned by the man, Bill, living in the house across the road and you would need to gain permission to take your children to the creek. If he allows, wading and skipping rocks is great fun.
The forest to the back of the property, is owned by the Episcopal Mission. It is beautiful old timber. If you leave Shawneehaw Outpost and enter this property, watch for old fence wire. It is a good idea to take a cell phone. If you get lost, walk uphill and you should return to Shawneehad Outpost. There are several old unused trails and roads here. This is an awesome place for a short hike and a picnic with children. Please remember to "leave it as you find it nothing in and nothing out." There are a vast variety of wild flowers, rocks, birds, and small animals to be found here.
A campfire is an unforgetable experience. Be sure to bring some makings for S'mores, or hot dogs for roasting on a stick.
Because the property is remote, our connection and power are sometimes unreliable during bad weather so rainy or cold days offer their own challenge. You may want bring along some dvds for children as well as board games etc. We provide a range of dvds as well as some toys and a limited supply of board games and books.